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Why you should have more sex

Okay, we know sex is all about having pleasure. But it turns out it’s good for your health, too.

Meagan Morris of the Cosmopolitan asked Dr Jennifer Landa, chief medical officer of BodyLogicMD and author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women to give insight into the health benefits of sex, and here they are.
It boosts your brain
Sex increases your body’s dopamine levels—the hormone that improves your memory and motivation. So basically having an orgasm is the gift that keeps on giving.
It burns calories
Don’t feel like hitting the gym? Grab your guy and head to the bedroom. A 30-minute romp in the sheets can burn upwards of 150 calories. That’s like running a mile on the treadmill!
It de-stresses you
We’re all stressed to the max—and all that worry releases the stress hormone cortisol. The problem with cortisol? Having too much of it in your bloodstream can lead to everything from high blood sugar to weight gain. When you get your freak on, it helps you relax, lowering the stress levels in your body.

It keeps you healthy
Regular sex with your guy can actually prevent cold, thanks to the hormone prolactin. This hormone has an important role in strengthening your immune system by increasing the production of T and B lymphocytes (aka immune cells). We’ll take that over chicken soup any day.
It helps you sleep
When you have sex, the cuddle hormone oxytocin is released. That increases your bond with your guy, but it also helps you sleep.
It’s good for your heart
The hormone testosterone is usually associated with big-muscled dudes, but our bodies make it, too. Sex helps increase the release of the hormone, which in turn improves your energy level and strengthens vital body parts, like your muscles, bones and heart.
Source: Cosmopolitan


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