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Nigerian Oil Tycoon Daughter Becomes UK’s First Black Marchioness

The pictures show the marriage of Ceawlin Thynn, Viscount Weymouth, to Emma McQuiston, the of a , who made history by becoming the first black Marchioness in Britain.
The future Marquess of Bath says she has been snubbed by the British elite because of ethnicity and background. The former Miss McQuiston, daughter of Nigerian oil tycoon Ladi Jadesimi, admits relationship with the aristocrat has caused upset.
In an interview with society magazine Tatler, the 27-year-old said: ‘There’s class and then there’s the racial thing. It’s a jungle and I’m going through it and discovering things as I grow up.’
But the Marquess of Bath – famous for his string of ‘wifelets’ – and his real , Hungarian-born Anna Gael, 69, boycotted the ceremony, which took place at Longleat House a few days ago.
A source reveals: ‘It was an intimate ceremony. Longleat is considered one of the foremost and widely respected traditional British estates in the country. With the backdrop of the safari park, estate and house, it was quite special. Many people have celebrated that she will be the first black marchioness in the UK, which was widely praised as ‘about time, too’.’
Lord Bath has expressed great displeasure at his son’s renovation of the family seat at Longleat, which has involved removing a number of his prized erotic paintings, and said he would stay away from the wedding.
The 80-year-old Marquess – mustard chinos and a green velvet jacket – instead went to a wedding in Hampshire yesterday morning, accompanied by his wife, Ceawlin’s .
Viscount Weymouth, Ceawlin Thynn, with his bride Emma McQuiston at Longleat (left)
more pic below

Viscount Weymouth, Ceawlin Thynn, with his bride Emma McQuiston at Longleat (left)
The groom's father the Marquess of Bath (right) decided to attend another society wedding with his wife Anna Gael
The groom’s father the Marquess of Bath (right) decided to attend another society wedding with his wife Anna Gael
Source: Dailymail


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