We've spent months building the betrelate forecasters Competition, making sure it's the best around.
Now you will be able to reap the benefits for FREE and Win Some Free Cash along the way!
Each month we ll give away over #10,000 in cash prizes and 2,700 in staking cash(will be explained later) to our top forecasters and pundits .
So far we are planning on given away 200K to betrelate.com members from this week to the first 3months of 2014.
So if you are a good forecaster and sport tipster can show plan in side the chart or explain why you think a certain club will win a game get ready to make free cash to stake on your bets !
Get ready soon....starting from next week NATIONAL and this weekend's sport betting games
This weekend..The competition will begin!!
As a betrelate.com forecasting member You Have FREE Access to 101 Other Things!
But we won't tell you now!
Get started with the forecasting competition first and we'll be in touch soon explaining all the other great things you have FREE access to.
first thing you needt To do is register on betrelate.com click HERE TO REGISTER
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