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Want 50k a week shortcut ? Run a sport betting shop as an agent ! (Help inside)

Most people out there are taking the long route to making money! looking for jobs around when you can actually start something on your own and make money in 6 months than those who have been working in a bank for the past 5 years

Example of one such business is  to run a sports betting shop..infact you can classify it as one of the best the business of 2104

And it's not about research! I am in business too! I have 5 shops right now and working on 3 more which will start operation in the next few weeks!

The Good thing about the business is, you are guaranteed a weekly profit! You don't need many adverts since its all about sport that people love already

My friend dayo wrote on his blog

Starting and running online sports betting business is like running any other business, you need to be able to answer the following questions:
  1. How much will it cost me to set up?
  2. How much will it cost me to run the business and how do I manage these costs.?
  3. How much will I make as commission?
  4. How much will I keep as profit?
  5. When do I break even?
1. How much will it cost me to set up?
Before you ask yourself this question, you need to understand your environment; the potential number of customers, the level of awareness and the disposable income. An agent in Molete in Ibadan will only put himself under undue pressure by building his shop out like one he saw in FESTAC in Lagos. The potential numbers are more, awareness higher and disposable income larger in the latter than the former.
Also, as a cautionary note, ensure you have a secondary source of income or leave aside a certain amount of money. This is so you can fund the day to day expenses of the business for at least a month before the break-even month.
To start, you will need the following.
  1. A shop. Take the next few lines as gospel.
    1. Rent a shop ONLY because it is rightly located. This will mean it is in a densely residential area. A mix of 70 residential/30 commercials is just fine.
    2. Be VERY wary of rent. In big cities like Lagos 100K to 150K per anum is good enough, while in areas such as Ibadan, Ado, Ogbomosho, Kubwa,(relatively in the eastern part of Nigeria too) 40 to 80K per.annum is just right. Let the “resident” customer density guide your assessment of rent, and not the “passing” customers i.e. a major highway the junction will not be as lucrative as a minor “agboo-ile” junction.
    3. The shop SHOULD be sizable. A 10ft by 12ft will be too small. Try to go for a 12ft by 15ft or larger. The bigger, the better as your customers will be comfortable while they wait for their turns.
    4. If you decide to use an existing business’ shop, ensure the items on sale are not “handy”. I once had an agent who sold shoes and wanted to combine the business of sports betting. He lost 13 shoes (note not pairs i.e. different legs) in his first week.

  2. 2 Laptop (or desktop) Computers: Desktops are preferable in relatively insecure environments, but tend to require a bigger generator to power. [ 2 Used laptops will go for between 50K and 70K] depending on your taste
  3. A 10ft x 6ft x 1ft counter made of wood (preferably of the board): Having this helps separate your cashiers (attendants) from your punters (customers). [10K to 20K]
  4. Chairs (for cashiers) and benches (for customers). [10,500 to 15,000]
  5. Should you be interested in customising your shop, you can paint it in the colour of the brand you are selling.
  6. A generator. Please, I urge you not to use I-better-pass-my-neighbor. This generator is notorious for burning adapters. A decent 2.2Kva generator will serve well. [25K to 35K]
  7. Internet Modem. I recommend you go with any of the LTE providers, as faster speed equals faster money making. The likes of Spectranet, Smile and Swift will serve well in areas where they have coverage. If you do not fall within these areas, use the the vsat source of internet an example is 'Yahlick'  or if you can't afford vsat please just go for.5G GSM providers. In order of preference, I recommend Glo, Etisalat, Airtel and MTN…and if those don’t exist, you’ll have to struggle with CDMA 1x from O’net or Visafone or GPRS from the GSM providers. If you use laptops, get a modem that supports Wi-Fi for secure connectivity. [6K to 15K]
There are a lot of betting companies out there that you can partner with as an agent, but the one I recommend is have the best profit plan for you, and also the best products for your would-be customer
if you chose bet9ja

You most likely will be given the following items by the company:
  1. A Banner, to advertise your business to passers-by
  2. An account on their platform. (you will pay a registration fee of 50,000)
  3. Thermal receipt printers.  POS-80 units come with a roll of paper.
Of course, you get the last 3 items after you must have paid the signup fee [ #75,000]. I’ve been informed some (new) companies will give you these items for free.
Conservatively, you will require between 250, 000 to 400, 000 to set up, depending on your location.

See I have advised a lot of people to do this business, and I have helped a lot of guys to start ...and believe me, you don't have to be in Lagos to run this business. In fact, all my shops are not in Lagos. I have 3 shops in my hometown Ogbomosho(i started the first bet9ja shop there, now we have over 15 shops there, mine and other guys I brought on) I have 1 shop in ondo town,1 in Ibadan and planning to take one to jebba in Kwara state, a place where I grew up

So think smart! Why don't you start a sure business today?

If you are interested... I will guide you step by step along the way until you start making your first income as an agent.

Not only that, I will help your secure the agency license the easiest way for you and you can start in less than a week that you put in for the business

if you have the start-up fund and personnel to start..let me Help you get a secure source of income

Remember the idea is to spend low to start.

Want to learn more? Be part of my weekly seminar on how you can run a betting business.

Register here:

see you next week on Wednesday.

example of a betting shop. its my first shop, and the first in my home town. Now I run a sports betting company. let me teach you how to make extra income running a betting shop

the first one is my first shop..its in Ogbomosho


  1. u didnt tell us how much we will earn as commission coz i av plans of becoming a bet9ja agent

    1. it depends on your turnover that is you earn money on each ticket you print

  2. i will like to be an agent please kindly assist me

  3. Please I want to start now. How much is the present license fee and what's the agent's commission. Kindly drop your number so I can call you. Here is my own number 08036964170

  4. Hello mr kunle
    Tnx for ur infor, I have been hoping to get a very niz biznes since I gradduated widout a job pls call or txt me on dis number so dat we can talk for ur more assistance
    Frm Mr Julius

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  6. I don't think it can be this easy... there's no such thing as shortcuts!

  7. I sent a mail to you. Pls call me on 08033428725

  8. Hi Mr. Adekunle,

    I will mail u now, kindly respond as I need to open my shop as soon as possible before my money is used for something else.

  9. Hello Mr Adekunle, Can you please advise on your phone number, I want to call u today. I already have all the equipment for this business but I have not been able to get a shop in Lagos.

  10. Now I got all the information,who do I talk to?pls give me bet9ja address or contact number in Edo state and imo state,my number is 07062188595,thank you.

  11. I want to open a bet9ja shop I have generator two desktop computer one laptop computer a printer my question is how can I register and the commission I. Will get

  12. I need details about Bet9ja cos am set to open it with almost everything needed....

  13. I need details about Bet9ja cos am set to open it with almost everything needed....

    1. be carefull with scammers too ooo

  14. Oga Kunle,

    I really need to become a Sport Betting Agent with Bet9Ja. I have the capacity to run the facility. How do I get the Agency Licence and what does the commission look like?

    I'm a novice who doesn't watch matches nor bet, but wish to invest on this platform.

    Please I need all the pros and cons in the business.

    Warm Regards
    Anuma Emeka

  15. Oga Kunle,

    I really need to become a Sport Betting Agent with Bet9Ja. I have the capacity to run the facility. How do I get the Agency Licence and what does the commission look like?

    I'm a novice who doesn't watch matches nor bet, but wish to invest on this platform.

    Please I need all the pros and cons in the business.

    Warm Regards
    Anuma Emeka

  16. Nice write up bro, pls i will like u to put more emphasis on what the commission looks like cos I'm interested in the business tnx

  17. want to open a bet9ja shop I have generator two desktop computer one laptop computer a printer my question is how can I register and the commission I. Will get 08137794161

  18. dis is a cool biz, really interesting, would want to try it. need guidelines. whatsapp-07038330646, or email @ or

  19. What is the necessary documents to attached to the registration form.

  20. what is the current minimum requirement to open a 9jabet outlet and what is the commission like?

  21. From what I observed, it seems one needs uninterrupted power supply and that means running your power generator constantly.
    So, I will like to know the commission for every receipt printed.

  22. Please guys that's the necessary things needed to open the shop ?

  23. Please guys that's the necessary things needed to open the shop ?




  27. hi guys,

    commission rates below...

    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for your interest in becoming a Bet9ja agent.

    To become one of our agent, kindly log on to our website on to register. Scroll to the end of the page, click on franchise that is outlined under BET9JA , then click on 'REGISTER NOW' and fill the registration form that appears. Kindly make sure you attach a picture of the shop, a valid mean of Identification and utility bill of your Residential address on the field 'Upload Attachment' so that your application can be considered.

    You need to have a standard shop,computer to take bets,internet connection,a thermal printer for ₦32,000 which we sell.
    You will also need to deposit ₦50,000 in your Bet9ja account that will be created for you to start up sales.

    You get commissions on every single ticket placed at your shop. You can get as much as 20% of the amount the customer used to bet. Commissions are paid every Tuesday. We pay commissions on Sport,Racing and Casino.

    It goes this way:
    1 selection: 1% of the stake
    2 Selections: 2% of the stake
    3 selections : 5% of the stake
    4-5 selections: 7% of the stake
    6-8 selections: 9% of the stake
    9-10 selections: 12% of the stake
    11-13 selections: 14% of the stake
    14-20 selections: 16% of the stake
    21-25 selections: 18% of the stake
    26-40 selections: 20% of the stake

    Depending on the type of bet you are entitled to 3%, 6% or 9% of the stake
    If it is a single bet, p2,p3, odd, over, under and even you are entitled to 3%
    If it is a double, quinella you are entitled to 6%
    If it is a trio, turning trio, sum of places, you are entitled to 9%

  28. Hi Adekunle,

    I want to be an agent here in Lagos but they keep telling me that my location is full and I have tried several places. Please can you help me get a contact in Lagos that can assist me get a good location?

  29. Mr kunle. U re great,i will surely mail u
    So u can put me tru

  30. Mr kunle. U re great,i will surely mail u
    So u can put me tru

  31. Call me on 08148057081 if you need any help concerning bet9ja agent

  32. God will bless you with more knowledge as you give, you shall receive. I finally started but my challenge is that I spend almost all am getting in a week on fueling gen and servicing.

  33. By definition, the lottery is a game of luck and chance.Lottery is not a good idea since it has a lot of negative factors that are included along with this idea. Negative factors such as lottery wastes your money, it builds the habit of being greedy and also can harm your life in the long term.It leads to addictions spending all your life savings on buying tickets this are the advise of my relations before today!!!
    Everyone wants to win the lottery. Whenever jackpots get to record breaking highs you and everyone in your family goes out and buys several numbers hoping and dreaming that one of the tickets will change your life forever. While most of us will never experience the financial bliss that is winning several million dollars, there are some people out there who have had the luxury of this vast amount of free money but will never divulge the sources of such favor most time you feel they understands the odds better but the truth is most huge winniners of the betting has untold tales to tell the world on how it all happened.
    I'm KAREN HARGER; I have always wanted to be able to not live paycheck to paycheck or have any debt. I worked in accounting for about 14years and was barely able to make ends meet. It seemed like any time I moved up in the company and received a raise, my living expenses would go up significantly and I was never able to get ahead. Today i'm here to share my turning point testimony about Dr Savior who help me with the lucky winning numbers for (IA LOTTERY DRAWS) I won 1,000,000$ in my IA play lotterydraws, I took an advice from a testifyer who talked about this great spell caster called Dr Savior, the testifyer placed a testimonies on a blog saying how Dr Savior helped her win the lottery by casting a luck lottery spell for her to win a lottery game, I was curious and I thought it was all joke not until I contacted this spell caster to know for myself how this work cause I have spend a lot buying tickets and I never win. I contacted him and he told me the necessary thing that need to be done and I did it and he told me to wait for 3days and truly he gave me the winning numbers to play the lottery which I did, Can you believe my name was the first among winners. If you're determined and believe in winning the lottery draws you can contact the great spell caster today to get your winning numbers!!!!


  34. What documentation are they asking for?

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Really its nice post...we get the lot of useful information from this post....thank you for sharing...

  37. great topic with nice line


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    I'm a Taxi driver who has hope in winning big in the lottery draws but always go home disappointed with few dollars or non, Many successful lottery entrants/winners of lottery games have said their winning combinations came to them through the help of voodoo lottery spell casters but i never believed in such tales because whenever i visit the spell site there's always positive and negative stories about the spell caster , After involving in gassy motor accident and got my cab damage there was no insurance to replace the cab for me so i turned back to baby sitter and errant man so disdain and shameful, I told my wife about the spell casters helping people with winning numbers but been scared not to be tricked so advise we should give it a try behold it's a fantastic outcome i won one million dollars (1,000,00$) I contact a man called Dr Saviour after narrating my ordeal to him he promised to help me win the lottery games that he has been helping so many Americans and others at large in such situation after reaching an agreement with him he casted the lottery spell for me, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that I was the lucky winner of USA IA Lottery program. when I receive a letter I was very very happy and now my conclusions is that Dr Saviour is a wonderful and guinue spell caster and I didn’t expect to win in this big in the draw I think you are the best and I recommend you to all my friends. Thanks to god for leading me to you my days of financial sorrow is over! I think they will make a good choice by choosing Dr Saviour to cast the lottery spell for them, Contact him now via email address and get your winning numbers immediately "POTENTIALSPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM"

  46. My name is GEORGE DICKERSON"I couldn’t believe myself that my dream has come true to provide my family with a healthy environment where they can have better education and opportunities for their future. I would tell everyone to go for it and they must be lucky as i'm today. I would definitely recommend Dr Savior for any intended lottery player who's tire of not winning big, Contact him niw via email "POTENTIALSPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM"
    GEORGE DICKERSON -7455 W Colfax Ave, Lakewood, CO 80214, USA.

    I'm a Taxi driver who has hope in winning big in the lottery draws but always go home disappointed with few dollars or non, Many successful lottery entrants/winners of lottery games have said their winning combinations came to them through the help of voodoo lottery spell casters but i never believed in such tales because whenever i visit the spell site there's always positive and negative stories about the spell caster , After involving in gassy motor accident and got my cab damage there was no insurance to replace the cab for me so i turned back to baby sitter and errant man so disdain and shameful, I told my wife about the spell casters helping people with winning numbers but been scared not to be tricked so advise we should give it a try behold it's a fantastic outcome i won one million dollars (1,000,00$) I contact a man called Dr Saviour after narrating my ordeal to him he promised to help me win the lottery games that he has been helping so many Americans and others at large in such situation after reaching an agreement with him he casted the lottery spell for me, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that I was the lucky winner of USA IA Lottery program. when I receive a letter I was very very happy and now my conclusions is that Dr Saviour is a wonderful and guinue spell caster and I didn’t expect to win in this big in the draw I think you are the best and I recommend you to all my friends. Thanks to god for leading me to you my days of financial sorrow is over! I think they will make a good choice by choosing Dr Saviour to cast the lottery spell for them, Contact him now via email address and get your winning numbers immediately "POTENTIALSPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM"

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